Taken from Colour Meditations by S.G.J. Ouseley
Nature has provided seven main Colour Rays for the treatment of disease. The Colour Rays are representatives of the pure cosmic radiance : they are in essence spiritual forces perpetually flowing around and through the earth.
Colour vibrations work through the chakras or cosmic centres of the body. The principle behind Colour-Healing is the regulation of the flow of the colour forces by consciously absorbing them as needed, using each ray with the specific purpose of rebuilding, restoring and re-vitalising every organ of the body through the etheric counterparts.
Regular and systematic practice will gradually transform your body, mind and spirit. The general health will improve, the mind will become more efficient and the spirit-self more sensitive and developed. The Cosmic Colour System soon becomes a subconsciousness functioning – Colour being one of the fundamental elements in the universe acts directly on the subconscious mind which strongly affects the health, vitality and harmony of life.
Ray 1 is the Red Cosmic Ray
This Ray is found at the thermal or heat end of the spectrum : thus, by its very nature it is stimulating and warming. The power of Red to stimulate the arterial blood is shown not only in drugs which belong to the red group but also in cases of healing by red light. In the human body this colour controls the chakram at the base of the spine and exercises great influence upon the health and vitality of the body. Red rays cause reaction to occur in this centre resulting in the release of adrenalin into the bloodstream. Red light increases the amount of haemoglobin the blood and improves the circulation by raising the temperature of the body. Red is thus the natural antidote to the cold blue conditions which it counteracts. Foods that help the Red Ray are beet, radishes, red cabbage, cresses, spinach, plums and damsons, black cherries, berries and currants.
The effect of Red on the mental and nervous system is stimulating and uplifting. Red, being the colour of the life-force, engenders strength, courage and enthusiasm. This best shade to cultivate mentally and physically is Rose-red, the symbol of Universal Love.
The Red Ray may be applied in all cases of blood disorders, weak or impaired vitality, debility and depletion and defective circulation : also for depression, fear and worry.
Ray 2 is the Orange Cosmic Ray
This Ray is of very great value as it is linked with the vital force that flows into the body from the sun. it controls the chakram in the spleen and is concerned with the task of absorbing and distributing the vital energy.
Orange Rays influence the processes of digestion and assimilation. The colour is a power tonic and has a direct effect in building the energy of the body.
Being the middle ray between the physical and mental principles, Orange is of vital importance mentally in assimilation and visualisation of ideas. This Ray is an excellent antidote to repressions and limitations and calls forth self-confidence and positive thinking : hence its value is salesmanship and display.
It is a plus-vibration and care must be exercised in its use as it can lead to over-stimulation. It is always advisable to blend or modify a very strong vibration with one of lesser potency that is in harmony with it – in this case Blue and Yellow or Green.
The effect of Orange on the mind is to foster optimism, courage and the will to succeed. The Orange Ray is used in the treatment of the spleen and kidneys : also bronchitis, chest conditions and venous debility.
Ray 3 is the Yellow Cosmic Ray
Yellow holds the first place in the spectrum for maximum brightness and luminosity. It is the Ray of maximum light and is a positive magnetic vibration with a powerful effect on the nervous system. It is connected with the Solar Plexus the chakram which acts as the brain centre of the nervous system. This Ray has affinity with the liver and intestines and has a cleansing and healing effect on the skin.
It is on of the ‘Rays of Mind’ and certainly stimulates the mental faculties, helping in the creation of thought and in visualisation.
As a general colour it arouses optimism, cheerfulness and a balanced outlook on life. It is an excellent colour to have in a room where mental pursuits are carried out.
This Ray is used in the treatment of the organs that are adjacent to the Solar Plexus as well as diseases of the skin and nerves.
Ray 4 is the Green Cosmic Ray
The Green Ray occupies the middle or point of balance in the solar spectrum. It is midway between the thermal or heat end of the spectrum and the cold or electric end. Hence, it is the Ray of Balance, Harmony and Concord.
Green the colour of Nature and is a soothing harmonious radiation that is essential for the well-being of our nerves and the proper functioning of the body. The “Green Pasture” and fresh air philosophy is not a poetical fancy but a stark reality.
This Ray controls the chakram at the heart or cardiac centre. Green light being composed of Yellow and Blue rays strongly influences the blood-pressure and heart action : the blue element in it counterbalances the more potent energy of the Yellow Ray. Green light gives us the energy of the sun in the safest and most natural form and is identical with the green plant-energy known as chlorophyll which is prescribed by medical science as a specific for the heart. This Ray radiates sympathy, kindness, peace and is also linked with abundance, evolution and supply. Green in any form is one of the finest tonics for tired nerves. The shade or ‘chroma’ should be bright and clean, but much will depend on individual preferences.
This Ray is used in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood and is also useful for the nerves of the head.
Ray 5 is the Blue Ray
Blue is the first colour belonging to the cold, non-stimulating or astringent division of the spectrum. Its effect is to steady or slow down the energy of the Red-Orange-Yellow group. It successfully combats feverish conditions, bleeding, germs, nervous irritation etc.
Psychologically, the Blue vibration raises the consciousness to the realm of spirit : hence the value of this colour in spiritual healing meditation, devotional services and so on. The Cosmic Soul or higher mind of nature expresses much of the peace, beauty and harmony of creation through the Blue and Green Rays. This Ray has a calming effect on the mind and nerves and is successfully employed in cases of insomnia.
Truth, peace, poise and serenity are the main features of the mental influences of the Blue Rays.
It is connected with the chakram at the throat and is used in the treatment of diseased conditions of that region : also in fevers, rheumatism and headaches.
Ray 6 is the Indigo Cosmic Ray
The Indigo Ray is of high value as an astringent, purifying and cooling vibration. It is based on a very important glandular centre – the Pineal – which is concerned with the nervous, mental and psychic forces and faculties of man. The organs of sight, hearing and smelling are under the influence of the Indigo Ray.
This Ray provides one of the safest and most natural anaesthetics causing an hypnotic condition in which the patient is insensitive to pain yet at the same time fully conscious.
Stimulating the regenerating to the mind and soul, Indigo is one of the rays of the future race-consciousness extending the inner vision and opening up new fields of comprehension and knowledge. Acting on the personality and character it is an antidote to frustrations, the fear-complex and general negative conditions.
Among the numerous diseases that are successfully treated with Indigo are mental disorders, especially obsessions, nervous disorders, insomnia and diseases of the eye, ear and nose.
Ray 7 is the Violet Cosmic Ray
Violet is the highest vibration of Light with strong electro-chemical properties and the rays are stimulating to the nervous system. It is inspiring to the mind, arousing soul-qualities, mysticism, spiritual intuition and idealism. It is useful for restoring the mental equilibrium and lack of poise which the rush and bustle of moderate life produces in so many sensitive people. It is not a colour for the masses but appeals more to the sensitive and soul-conscious type of person. Its two divisions, the Purple and the Amethyst, correspond to the material and spiritual aspects.
The absorption of Purple or Violet light for a short time each evening will be found invaluable for brain-workers and will help considerably in ensuring restful sleep.
The Violet Ray is connected with the chakram in the higher brain known as the Pituitary Gland which is concerned with the spiritual intuitive faculty. This colour aids the development of the spiritual consciousness, clairvoyance and psychic sensitiveness, clairvoyance and psychic sensitivities and is of great value in meditation and concentration exercises.
Violet is used in the treatment of mental, nervous and cerebral diseases, neurosis, neuralgia, rheumatism and epilepsy.