In a world full of people scrambling to be on top, how do you hold yourself up? How do you find your place? That place where you know you belong. That place that feels like home. A place where you can experience what it is to be loved and in return, experience what it is like to love. It feels like there should be a really simple answer, but when I work with my clients, being loved and feeling loved is a big problem for many. It’s a challenge that so many face. Interestingly, people don’t want to admit that they don’t really know how to love, because they have never been shown love that they can relate to in a way that genuinely feels like true and unconditional love. On the other side of that, it’s even more difficult to admit that you don’t know how to love. But if you understand that having never been shown love, then it makes perfect sense that you would struggle to show love as well as receive love.
We all are here, with the same purpose in mind. We are all trying on some level, to survive. It’s very easy to get so caught up in the game of life. So very easy to shut yourself out from all the struggle and strife. But, in shutting yourself off, what are you learning? Yes, you’re learning how to be independent. You’re learning that you can ‘survive’ on your own. But who wants to live a life where all you’re doing is surviving? It’s only natural, because it is a deep-seated need, that stems right throughout our entire person, to want to be loved and to want to be able to give love in return.
The greatest gift you can give yourself, is the gift of being vulnerable. “Are you crazy?!” I hear you ask. “If I allow myself to be vulnerable, then I live my life exposed. Exposed to all those awful things that can happen to me, like getting hurt, being disappointed and not getting my emotional needs fulfilled.”
But are you truly getting your emotional needs fulfilled when you’re not being vulnerable? And are you truly protecting yourself from hurt and disappointment? When we are vulnerable, we lay ourselves bare and yes, it is probably the most difficult thing we can ever do. Which of course, is why we don’t. But being vulnerable is not a weakness. It takes guts. It takes strength and courage. It also lets us live a life where we are truly authentic. When we have nothing to hide we show up in the world, exactly who we are.
It’s in those moments of vulnerability that we learn what it feels like to give back love and feel love. When there are no conditions, no limitations, no restrictions, that’s when we can truly feel. And giving yourself that opportunity to receive and give love, in the most authentic way, is the gift that surpasses all gifts.
There is so much about this life that we have to learn. So much on a practical level. Survival, how to feed yourself, clothe yourself, house yourself, keep yourself safe from the elements. How to interact on a social level. Skills to earn a living. And so much more.
But with each one of those aspects that make up your life, there is no greater lesson than the one of learning to love and be loved. Within learning to love and be loved for me, the greater of the two is learning to be loved. Essentially love comes naturally to us. For the most part, it’s easy to love someone. To give them what they need. To show kindness and acceptance. But when the tables are turned, we find it difficult to receive love. To accept that someone believes we are worthy of being loved. And that makes me so sad. Because it shows me, how little we actually think of ourselves.
People, start today to practise self-love. Become courageous enough to be vulnerable. Accept the love that others give you and bring to you. Accept that you are worthy and that you are learning the greatest lesson of your life – to love and be loved.