The Twelve Rays are powerful Divine Rays of Light that carry energy from the Great I Am to influence each Spirit Being as they experience their Physical Existence on the earth and along the journey of their souls. These Twelve Divine Rays exist within the Universal Consciousness and are linked to the 12 Zodiac signs, creating a combined energy which is exerted onto the Earth. Spiritual teachings of the great ancients have taught us that every 2 000 years, we move from one Age to another. As we move from one Age to another, so the Twelve Divine Rays move as well. As the Divine Rays become more prominent during any given age, so their power influences the forces exerted on each Spirit Being along their chosen path on the earth.
Each of the Twelve Divine Rays have at their head, an Ascended Master and above them, a Chohan (God or Expression of the Creator). As we move through the Twelve Zodiac signs or Ages, the energies of the Ascended Masters and Chohans also become more prominent. To understand this, I have put together the following summary table :
Ray | Colour | Archangel | Chohan | |
1st | God Power / Will | Blue | Michael | Master El Morya |
2nd | Wisdom | Yellow | Jophiel | Lord Lanto |
3rd | Love | Pink | Chamuel | Paul the Venetian |
4th | Purity | White | Gabriel | Serapsis Bey |
5th | Healing | Green | Raphael | Hilarion |
6th | Peace | Indigo | Uriel | Jesus |
7th | Ceremonial Order | Purple | Uzziel | St Germain |
8th | Integration | Red | Zadkiel | Maha |
9th | Enlightenment | Violet | Seraphina | Marcus |
10th | Creation | Turquoise | Sandolphin | Chananda |
11th | Oneness | Peach | Christiel | Rackoczy |
12th | Now | White | Metatron | Quan Yin |
I just want to add that I found during my research, some websites that depict slightly different colours to the different rays with different Archangels and Chohans. I don’t think anyone can be 100% accurate in their interpretation. However, this is my closest understanding as I believe is accurate under the guidance of my Spirit Guides.
Whilst there are many Arch Angels, these twelve Arch Angels listed above, have been tasked with the dissemination of the highest energies into our (humanity’s) collective consciousness and energy fields. Thus, our spiritual development is directly linked into the integration of us as individual souls, to the energies of the Universal Consciousness.
When we build a sound relationship with our Spirit Guides and the Arch Angels, our journey as spirit beings in a physical existence, is so much easier. As we expand our awareness, that connection becomes so much stronger and through constant influence, inspiration and guidance, we are able to walk through our soul’s journey with ease – or at least a little easier than if there was no conscious awareness of this connection. For everyone is connected, but of course, there are those who have made no conscious effort to understand or strengthen that connection.
As we experience these higher energies flowing through us, our vibrations are raised and integration with the Great I Am or Universal Consciousness intensifies and as we rise, we impact and uplift life everywhere. We also positively impact our soul groups or families, thus facilitating the propelling forward, of our individual spiritual evolution.
“Ascension’, so frequently referred to, is essentially the lifting or raising of individual consciousness and is not to be confused with ascension of souls mostly spoken about within some traditional religious beliefs.
As we move into the Age of Aquarius so we are moving into the Divine Seventh Ray. This Divine Ray is the Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic. This Divine Ray vibrates on an extremely high and fast frequency. Thus, we are all beginning to feel a little like our life is out of control. This is because we have come out of the energy influence of the Diving Sixth Ray, the Ray of Peace, which has a much softer vibration and slightly lower frequency. For many the shift in the energies has felt similar to that of being suddenly awakened from a sound sleep, where a little time is needed to reorientate back into daily life. And so, the Ascension of Souls can also be described as the Great Awakening.
The energy of the Divine Seventh Ray is powerful, forceful and basically takes no prisoners. It’s energy is forcing souls occupying the earth right now, to take responsibility for their lives. People are slowly beginning to understand that there is much more to their lives than just mere day to day existence. There is also a sense of searching for meaning that has become much more prevalent in recent years. This is due to the power of this Divine Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic. The Magic is being felt as a force to be reckoned with. We are beginning to understand how powerful we are in terms of creating our own existence and that manifestation of thoughts and deeds is happening much quicker – a powerful reminder for us to live more consciously aware of each moment of our existence. To also be consciously aware of how we use the Magic energy of this Divine Ray, knowing that energy can be used for both light and darkness.
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