When we refer to the Universe, what we’re actually making reference to is the Universal Consciousness.
The Universal Consciousness is that all-encompassing space that comprises everything that has been, is and ever will be. Every spirit being, whether that be spirit beings such as you and I moving through various incarnations on our journey to perfection. Every spirit being assigned by the Source of all Life, the Great I Am, to oversee the progression of every soul. Every spirit being assigned the role of Angel Protectors, Spiritual Guides, Spiritual Helpers, Lords of Karma, Ascended Masters, Arch-Angels, Angel Healers, Spirit Guide Healers. Every thought and idea ever thought or perceived. Every record of every life ever lived. Every record of every soul, from those that embody physical life through a human state, animal state, insect state or mineral state. Every Elemental – gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders. I’ve no doubt that I’ve forgotten some aspects of this amazing world, but I’m sure that by now you get what I mean.
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Gosh, now when something happens to us and we try to find meaning, we ask ourselves, what is the universe trying to tell us. To understand this, we need to understand that within this context, the “universe” is essentially our Spirit Guides talking to us. And yes, they do show us things about our lives, in so many very different ways.
It is interesting to note that most of the challenges that we face are filled with emotions. And it’s when we don’t acknowledge those emotions and work through them, that they eventually become manifest as a physical problem. So say for instance, emotional problems that relate to our families, our soul tribes, where we fit in, and how we perceive ourselves from the perspective of being independently capable of managing the very basics of life – where we don’t work through the emotions linked into these challenges, we will eventually end up with lower back problems. Or we’ll be having problems walking, pains in the legs and feet.
So essentially all our unresolved emotional challenges, show up as a physical problem in our life. It’s really as simple as that.
Take into account, my example above. When you have problems with our tribe, your family and you ignore them, you sweep them under the carpet, you don’t acknowledge your role in them, or you don’t acknowledge them at all – at this point in time, those challenges are still sitting outside of your physical body. They reside within your energy space around your body. And when you resolve them whilst they still occupy that space, you basically just send those energies on their way – they go back into the universal consciousness, where they will be transformed once again into positive energy within that space. If they do not get released from your energy field, and they do not go back into the space of the universal consciousness, they have nowhere else to go. And that is when they begin to manifest as a physical problem that then requires medical attention. This is generally when we start to ask why have I this incredible pain in my back, why can’t I walk without feeling pain? What is it that the universe is trying to tell me. For some people, this is where the issue stops. They spend forever asking what the universe is trying to tell them. No steps are taken to find out. No steps are taken to resolve the issue.
Of course, it’s your Spirit Guides who are showing you – you didn’t work through this problem whilst is was still outside of your physical body. You didn’t take the opportunity to release the negative energy that was brought to you through these challenges. Therefore, they have now manifested in the physical body and the message is “Work on the problem!” Now you’re faced with the problem of the physical that needs attention from a medical expert as well as resolving the emotional problem attached to the physical manifestation. And what you’ve done, is given yourself extra work to do.
Fortunately our spirit guides are absolute unconditional love and bringing this to your attention is most definitely not a punishment – so please don’t see it as that. All it is is them bringing you to a point where you no longer can avoid the emotional aspect of the challenge. Them bringing this to your attention, they’re offering you a way out. A way of working through the problem with the love and guidance that they can give you and you should always take advantage of that.
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