What is all about, you ask?
Firstly, work and life are not separate, you are one unit, work and life happens with you, in you and through you….so….
If you don’t manage that from the Inside out, nothing will feel right and in balance – ever.
Something very Interesting happened in the last very chaotic 2 years…We lost our sense of regular time, when Mondays were Mondays, we knew what to expect, and months and weekends, and holidays, and everything was controlled and predictable from the outside….
AND then it disappeared, causing personal confusion, stress, anxiety, and sense of being lost, and overloaded like we have never seen before, not to mention that our roles and responsibilities changed overnight.
Here’s an average person’s new to do list:
School teacher
Family nurse
Social Worker
Trauma counselor
Financial magic maker
Hope monger
Sports coach, medic
Health worker
Art/craft instructor
I’m sure by now the picture and the recall of all this is quite clear to you…so now what, how do we recentre, regain our footing, feel like we know what is going one again?
The good news is there is a way.
The bad news is it is in fact up to you to do the inner-world work to get there, no one can do the un-enslavement for you, but don’t fret, you are actually more skilled at self-conditioning, and or self-hypnosis, or self-brainwashing than you think…
You do it all the time! REPITITION
So, if you want to regain your self mastery, and feeling safe and focused and in CONTROL again…here’s the tools:
If you want to feel like you have Work and Life balance again you need to first decide …
-I want this for me
-I am the captain of my ship, and the perceptions of my life
-I am free to choose what style of life I want; not what society wanted to present to me
Once you have really connected to the power that you have over your mind and choices, as well as the way you are going to look at your life…you are ready for the next step:
This step may blow your mind, because I bet somehow, we all had been fooled by the term “work life balance”, we have somehow envisioned a scale, a 50/50 split in how we spend our day on work and on our so-called personal doings.
That is not the point of it at all, no wonder it remains elusive, and we are frustrated by our inability to attain just that.
You’ve heard millions of times it’s all in the mind…well, it is.
It’s not about the “work” and the “living” alone that got done, or not done in that day…it’s about the feeling you feel during and after thinking about the day.
You see, work life balance is determined by the level of SATISFACTION you feel, the level of ease, peace and accomplishment and JOY you had in the day, if that is in balance, hey, Presto…. you have work-life balance that works…and is balanced…
So let me repeat this for your benefit: REPIITITION
Have a happy work life balanced day!
Your Thera-Coach: Frida
Reach me on 082433997, Frida@thinkology.co.za