Chirology is a craft that is composed of part science and part art. A chirology reading is an interactive experience for both reader and client that can be likened to creating a weaving.
Earth is the Loom
Symbolizing the core structure of the hand reading experience, the ‘loom’ in this analogy represents chirology’s earth governed, practical and scientific components.
The chirologist’s first building blocks are a fundamental knowledge of the historical origins of palmistry and the establishing and utilization of ethical criteria for professional counselling and coaching. Chiromorphognomy, or knowledge of the hand’s physical shapes, formations and textures, is studied at this level.
In the loom is the how-to of the element system of ascribing element characteristics and principles to the hand features. Also in the framework of a strong loom is steadfast commitment to the work. Other essential basics include our becoming comfortable with the intimacy of touch, the printing of the palms with ink, and for the professional practice, the ever-important method of hand print record keeping.
Water Brings the Texture
The water element is represented in the ‘textures’ of the weaving of the experience of a chirology reading. From the language of the elements, we draw on water principles and characteristics; water symbolizes service, and the receptivity, empathy, tenderness, care and love that readers bring to the therapy.
Water is the governor and regulator of emotion. In deepening into emotional intelligence, we sense into and learn the words which best describe emotional nuances. We observe that we have feelings about our feelings. We can be angry or terrified of our fear, afraid of our anger, sad about our sadness, ashamed of our shame. This awareness broadens the range of what is most alive within ourselves and our clients. Feelings need friendliness and room to unfold; in holding relaxed presence, we assist clients to connect to what they are authentically feeling.
Within the textures of the craft lies the principle of forgiveness, both of yourself as a reader whom at times errs, and of the client, whose ways of being in the world may jar or dismay. We sustain a flow of fascination and inspiration for our craft; these too are water governed principles that relate to the ‘textures’ of chirology. Supervision, required in professional psychology, is another water governed ingredient; readers are well-advised to reach out for support.
Fire is the Colour
In the analogy of the hand reading experience being like a weaving, fire stands for the ‘color’. The fire of the craft lies in the love, passion, energy and enthusiasm that we bring to the work of endeavoring to illuminate, motivate and encourage the people whose hands we examine. We need heart for hand reading; the craft takes a special brand of courage, a fire principle, to warm-heartedly engage with and speak our truth with a vast variety of people from all walks of life.
Specialization, where focused intention is given to specific areas of our study, is another fire-governed component of the craft.
Air is in the Design
With our spoken words being “the tools of our trade and the medicine of our profession”, it is our air governed vocabulary and styles of transmission that ‘design’ the reading. Air represents communication; what is the quality of our listening and how do we weave our words?
Air element principles of research, theory, analysis, objectivity, investigation and conceptualization are all well-woven into the design of craft. Observation, another key air governed component, is part of the visual perceptiveness we develop so as to notice each nuance of hands and their gestures.
Impartiality, along with the capacity for detached compassion, are air level expressions of emotion which also have important roles in presenting a well-crafted hand reading experience.
Aether is the Thread
The subtle aether element is the binding agent, the essence, the intangible psychic and intuitively perceptive chiromantic ‘thread’ that so magically and mysteriously integrates and unifies the hand reading experience. Aether infuses those moments of verbal transmission where no thought is involved and delivery just flows, as if we readers are simply channels. Energy channeling also transpires through intention, and through touch.
Aether principles and characteristics pervade all dimensions of the craft. We ask for help from spirit and aspire to offer spiritual comfort.
Jennifer Hirsch
Cell: +27 082 415 0653
Jennifer Hirsch is an ambassador for the craft of chirology and palmistry. Her purpose is to share the intuitive and counselling and coaching components of hand reading. Jen has pioneered chirology in South Africa since 1991. She teaches that our hands are our unique, personal guide and tool for self enquiry and that their forms and markings depict our physical, emotional, vocational, mental and spiritual realms. She has authored 5 books on how to read hands, all of which are available on Amazon.
Visit Jen’s YouTube channel for regular tutorials:
For more information about consultations (online, based on photographs, or in person) and training courses please contact [email protected] or call Jen 27 082 415 0653 or visit