‘Today creates tomorrow. Your destiny lies in your hand. Glancing back over yesterday, we see that certain vibrations were set up as a result of actions. We know that there is a law—one of the five fundamental laws of life—the law of Cause and Effect. We take it for granted that most of you know that the law of rebirth is true—otherwise we cannot give any explanation of how the future is foretold. In previous lives, in yesterday, seeds were sown, or vibrations were sent forth into the ether. The vibrations penetrate the astral and the spiritual worlds, and set in motion certain forces which are drawn back again to the sender, much as a wireless wave travels through the ether and returns—and that ego is drawn again into certain resulting conditions of life. Planetary forces are drawn to the central point, the ego, and so follows a rebirth of that ego, of that seed in the very soil which will best help that seed to grow and to send out finer vibrations for the future.
‘These vibrations reflect ‘pictures’ on the ether. Your moving pictures provide a mechanical, material, demonstration of the power of the unseen, as do also your ordinary photographs. Your life today is like your little camera which takes pictures, which registers. So do you also set up on the screen of the ether incidents which are likely to happen. The vibration of yesterday on the ether is reflected today, the vibrations of today will be reflected in the future life—not necessarily in the spirit life, but in incarnate life.
And so yesterday, today, and tomorrow, are all one.
‘You will ask me if karma can be speeded up? Most certainly; more particularly when the soul awakens on the path; then it gets a vision of God in greater or lesser degree. “I want to reach God! I must get there quickly!” Very well, but first there is much to do, much to clear away. So when the time comes for reincarnation, the karma is hastened. Such an incarnation may appear to others very difficult, but those who have seen the vision do not mind, they accept the karma, because they know that through it they will reach the goal. Therefore we cannot judge, we dare not judge another person’s life. From our standards what appears an easy life might prove very difficult for the soul in question; and what appears to others to be a hard life, to the participant brings an inward grace, a joy and tranquility which makes a joy of all experience.’
We cannot help our past karma, but we can help that which we make for the future, and therefore, do you not accept the wisdom of endeavouring to discipline yourself to the laws of God? Control yourself, your thoughts, your speech; be kind and loving—it all boils down to that one thing, be kind and compassionate and never willfuly inflict pain on any living creature through thought, speech, or act. Those who have learnt how much the thoughtlessness or ignorance or willfulness of another can hurt will not be heedless in the future. The Masters of Wisdom never inflict pain—they are all love, all compassion. But they also recognize the law. They know that every life must eventually become balanced and literally polarized to the Divine Light, the Source of all life.