If those aliens ever find us, I wonder what they would think of us? I remember doing a talk many years ago and I asked the audience to imagine that they woke up in a strange place that they’d never seen before. To imagine not being able to speak the language and not recognizing a single person. How would they communicate and what would be the first thing that they would try to become familiar with, in order to be able to communicate?
The obvious answer for me is that one would observe the behaviours of others to see how they interact with each other, to find what clues one could in order to know how to communicate with complete strangers. I think that this is what we should be doing all the time. Initially recognizing that for the most part, we probably interact with more strangers in a single day than we do with those who know us and love us. And so we should be asking ourselves the question, what is it that I portray from my behaviour and how do people perceive me to be?
I would also say that for the most part, it’s much easier to be kind to strangers and treat them with respect. It’s also very easy to treat strangers badly, disrespecting them and not recognizing them as other human beings, trying to make their way through a difficult world. On the flip side, what sort of behaviour do we display towards those who love us and those who we love? Are we always cordial? Are we always respectful and do we always acknowledge that they are having a particularly difficult day, and we should be more gentle with them?
My personal philosophy that I consciously try to live by every day is to make people feel better when they leave my space than they did when they first came into it. It’s actually not difficult to do. I believe that it’s about always considering how someone else is feeling at that moment in their life, it’s about knowing that our perception creates our reality and it’s about understanding that we are all making our way through our lives, doing the best that we can with what we have.
Try to always only see the best in someone. Remember that we are all emanations of the Great White Spirit, therefore each of us is pure perfection. We may not always feel like pure perfection and we may struggle to display that pure perfection every day. However, when we make ourselves aware of our behaviours, when we make ourselves aware of our shortcomings and we make ourselves aware of the beauty that resides within us, we’re much more able to be kind, and forgiving and loving and gentle.
My message to you today is to go gently into the next few weeks. Allow yourselves time to just be one with our Creator. Know that we are all loved beyond measure.