Hello again friends, John here from reaching out therapy in the UK bringing you another energy healing update. Recently we have been preparing for delivery of our latest energy healing workshop titled Quantum Field Energy Healing or Earth healing as this is a twofold workshop dealing specifically with both the earths quantum energy fields and those of our souls too.
Firstly, when you think about the word Quantum what springs to mind ? Is it something from out of this world from deep space or another alien dimension? Or do you feel that it is dealing with real time physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental healing in all possible dimensions?
Well, I believe I have spoken here before about our shadow chakras, these are the sets of extra energy recording chakras that reside within the subtle bodies of our auric fields, we have the seven within the physical body that record every detail or DATA recorders, then associated with each of these seven chakras are subtle body energy fields.
Etheric for the base, Emotional for the Sacral, Lower mental for the Solar Plexus, Causal for the Heart Chakra, Higher mental for the Throat chakra, Buddhic for the Third eye chakra and finally Atmic for the Crown chakra. But in each of these subtle bodies lies another seven energy recording chakras this then equates to a total of 56 main energy chakras.
Now when we talk about Quantum healing we need to understand that each of these subtle bodies has its own connections up and down, with our divine core we connect to source, the universe, God or whatever your belief systems acknowledge as your divine creator, this core is or greatest connection and energises the chakras within the physical body, and then grounds this energy into the earth to complete a full energy circuit.
But the Etheric, Emotional, Lower Mental, Causal, Higher Mental, Buddhic and Atmic subtle bodies also have a core connection that runs through each set of chakras, but these connections go to the souls Akashic records and into the earths crust via barefoot grounding or via intention.
These multiple cores and shadow chakras are what comprise our Quantum Fields which exist in multiple dimensions that surround us, now we understand that the laws of the universe state that the law of attraction will attract like to like just like a magnet would, so because these connections are attached to the Akashic records and into the earths crust then it is possible that the earths crust connections will pick up echo’s of past incarnations.
When these echoes find the unique energy signature that originally co-created them it starts to force itself up the quantum cores towards the Akashic records copy, the divine core senses this and because there is a risk of contamination of source energy the soul close down the core from the crown down to the base incrementally, as each chakra is closed or restricted it has a knock on effect of the next in line.
This can often be seen as a past life healing as the trauma from another incarnation has caused an echo ailment within the subtle bodies auric fields, and it is in these auric fields that the healing takes place breaking the connection to the echo and clearing that trauma energy into the 5th dimension, there is more information coming through all of the time regarding this type of healing, this is because we as a species in general are evolving and so too must the energy healing techniques that we use to help others.
I hope this short introduction into the quantum world will be helpful for any who wish to understand it , I will leave you all in love light and truth as always John.
Yours in love light and truth always John.
Bio: Both my wife and I are healers here in the United Kingdom, and together we run a healing sanctuary called Reaching Out Therapy, during this pandemic all of my healing work has been done remotely this is about the only good thing to come out of this pandemic for me. I will connect my energy to that of the person in need of healing, we then use a media platform like facebook, whattsapp or skype to send written information regarding what we have found and worked on, we do charge for our healing services and payments can be sent directly to my bank or via paypal.
For more information our website is www.reachingouttherapy.co.uk