An incident occurred yesterday that really threw me! Not just as it happened, but sat with me throughout the rest of the day. And of course we all know that sometimes things can happen that just kind of linger in our minds. I believe that’s not such a bad thing. Sometimes we just need the time to mull through what just happened. If I’m honest, that’s exactly how I felt – like ‘What actually just happened?!”
I was left questioning myself and my connection to my guides and in the vein of being honest, I was actually quite angry. I felt judged and belittled and that’s not a nice feeling, not for anyone!
Anyway, reason I’m writing about this today is to share with you, how evident it became to me that we are so programmed throughout our lives, to place weight on what other people think of us. We are socially ‘groomed’ to believe that if we dare to believe we are good at doing something and that only if ‘others’ deem us worthy, then we are, otherwise, we’re just being conceited. After all – how could we possibly know something about ourselves?!!
I think I’ve written a little about this before – how we are taught to always bear in mind what others think of us and if they make a negative comment or give us a negative review, then of course, the 50 million other people who don’t think the same of you as they do (including you), must be wrong. And then you’re left feeling I did yesterday – questioning yourself. Questioning your life choices. Questioning whether what you’re doing is right. Questioning if you’re actually good at what you do – the fact that you’ve been doing it for more than 20 years, just blows out the window!
So the question arises – why do we doubt ourselves so easily? Yes, the programming through our early years does play a huge role – but, surely we need to come to a point where we draw the line in the sand. Where we no longer place weight on other people’s opinions and we place more weight on our own.
Through my spiritual life coaching, this is exactly what I teach and encourage my students to focus on. And it is something that you can overcome. However, I think that being aware of the fact that even when you believe you have something nicely and neatly tucked away. You’ve ticked it off your list of those things you need to heal from. And you’re moving through your life, absolutely confident in everything that you do. There will come a time, just that one little incident, that will arise, that will throw you right back to ‘that’ space – you know the space I mean. That space where you question yourself. Where you feel like a complete fraud and a complete failure.
My advice to you is let it sit with you. Let yourself feel it. Acknowledge it as the little child inside of you, who for a moment went back to feeling unsure and insecure. Then take a deep breath and actually consciously see yourself stepping out of that space. And step back into the beautiful healed and confident person that you are. Take back your power and move forward. Because you know, in that moment that you had the wobble, you gave your power away to the other person. And you let them ‘win’. But of course, there was no competition to start with, so essentially they haven’t won anything. You just allowed them to slip through a little crack that opens from time to time, and that is called being human.