Taken from the book “The Mystery Experience” by Tim Freke
You and I are centres of consciousness arising within the unconscious field of awareness. In this chapter I want to return to the practice of presencing within this deeper understanding.
In our next well experiment I want to invite you to recognise your essential nature as the primal field of awareness, which is the source of everything, and presence the present moment from this deep perspective. Layer Tzu describes this practice beautifully when he teaches:
Be the emptiness
Be the stillness
Watch everything come and go,
Emerging from the source, returning to the source
This is the way of nature.
Be the great peace,
Be conscious of the source.
This is the fulfillment of your destiny.
No bet which never changes.
This is awakening.
Consciously Separate and Unconsciously One
Before we dive into this practice I want to clarify something that can cause great confusion. I want to say this slowly because you’ll find awakening to oneness becomes much easier if you get this.
When I’m deep awake I deep know I am the primal field of awareness dreaming itself to be all beings.
But this doesn’t mean that I’m conscious of everything that’s being experienced by all beings.
I am the unconscious field arising as an individual centre of consciousness, which is illuminating a particular bubble of experiences.
I’m not conscious of the experiences being illuminated by other centres of consciousness.
Rather, I deep-know the paradoxity of my being. I am consciously separate and unconsciously one with all.
When I’m deep awake I am conscious of being the field of unconscious awareness.
Conscious of Being the Unconscious Field
As before, I’ll describe what happens for me when I practice deep presencing. Go through this process with me and then try it out on your own. Then make this a deeper level of your everyday practice of awakening.
I will only briefly describe the stages of this process we’ve already examined in detail, but I encourage you to take a few moments to practice wondering and entering before reading on. Then you’ll be ready to experience deep presenting for yourself, while I share my experience of this practice with you.
I am wondering at the of the verse.
I am conscious that I really don’t know what life is.
I am entering my sensual experience in the present moment.
I am syncing into the delicious feeling of breathing.
I’m focusing my attention on my sense of being.
I’m conscious of myself as the experiencer of all that I’m experiencing.
I am awareness presencing colours, sounds, feelings and thoughts.
I am conscious of being the mysterious deep self that can’t be seen or heard or touched.
I am a spacious emptiness within which all of my experiences are arising like a dream.
Deep Presencing
As I become conscious of the deep self I feel a deep peace.
As I plumb the depths of my being, there is an oceanic feeling of oneness.
I can see that my essential being doesn’t exist in time and space.
I am the primal field of awareness that is everywhere and nowhere.
I am conscious of the here and now, but I deep know that my deepest being is the oneness of being.
I am unconscious awareness arising as a centre of consciousness, which is illuminating a bubble of experiences within the unconscious field.
I am the field of awareness presencing a particular flow of experience that is arising right now.
I am the oneness of awareness dreaming itself to be a particular individual.
My individual sense of being is one with the primal ground of being.
I am the oneness of being a rising as all beings.
I am consciously individual and unconsciously one with all that is.
I am separate and non separate from everything and everyone.
And this is an exquisite experience of all embracing love.