The Mascot Child
In keeping with the theme of examining the various categories into which we fall when as children, in particular, we experience difficulties and challenges within our family dynamic. The most common form of self-protection that we develop takes the form of a particular set of traits and behaviours that we display and use. These behaviours and traits become our currency and assist us in navigating the big scary world in which we are placed as young children.
Sadly, we carry many of these behaviours and traits into our adult life which presents us with a whole new set of difficulties and challenges. This is because, where they would have worked to assist us in obtaining our desired outcome when we were little, they very seldom work to our advantage when we’re adult. Because of this, we have to get to a point where we recognise what behaviours no longer serve us, and then put in the work to change them so that we develop a new set of behaviours that do.
The Mascot Child is such an interesting one. It is the child who is immature, cute, generally hyperactive, distracting and fragile.
These traits and behaviours were developed by the young child due to fear, anxiety and insecurity. It then stands to reason that if this child would be feeling fearful, anxious and insecure that they would behave in an immature manner (eliciting protection from an elder), cute to hide the anxiety, hyperactive and distracting to mask their fears and insecurities. The thought process would be that should someone see that they are anxious or insecure, they will be shunned, ridiculed and made to feel even smaller than they already do.
If you recognise even some of these traits about yourself and see that your behaviours which you use as your currency in your adulthood, are similar to those of the mascot child, know that it is possible for you to change. Through my personal development course entitled Power Up – Dare to be Yourself, I give you all the tools to recognise the shortfalls within your life and more importantly, how to manage these behaviours or change them completely.
Everyone wants to live a happy and fulfilling life. The only reason most of us don’t is because we self-sabotage, we deny ourselves the happiness that we deserve. We don’t even realise that we have a personal truth which is that which we believe of ourselves to be true. Through our personal truth, we generate the results in our life that we believe we deserve. Knowing this, it’s very easy to recognise that your personal truth needs to change so that you can align with your perfect self and be happy, live a contented life honouring yourself.
If you’d like to find out more, please click here