Development circles usually consist of roughly 6 to 8 people who meet once a week to meditate together. The development circle is run and managed by a seasoned medium and the object of the weekly development circle, is to form a connection to your spirit guides and to learn to bring messages through. The process followed is exactly the same as the meditations that I lead my students through. We go through a relaxation of the body and mind, bring through healing for ourselves as well as others that may need it. We then go off into our own private space whilst in meditation to connect to our spirit guides and receive messages from them. It is during this time that we learn to formulate a language with our spirit guide that will help us to understand how they communicate with us – what each symbol means that they show us, what each picture means that they show us, how they make us feel and what that means, what they make us see and how do we interpret that.
Everything that we experience in a development circle, or development meditation, is intended to solidify our connection to our spirit guide and to take everything that they show us, make us feel etc, and formulate an interpretation which then is the message they have for us. Through practicing receiving messages for ourselves, we get to understand how our guides communicate with us and we can then take that learning and understanding and use it to receive messages for our clients, or receive inspiration from our guides as to what to say to our clients, what we need to do to bring healing through for them, how do we discover what the actual problem is that they’re experiencing and how can we equip them with understanding as well as tools to resolve the challenges and issues that they are experiencing when they come to see us.
There generally is never a set period of time that you sit in a development circle. Some people can connect with their spirit guide in the first week of sitting, some can take a year.
Development circles are also used to experiment with various tools. When I ran my circles, I used to give everyone an opportunity to work with tarot cards, angel cards and crystals. We also did psychometry which is where you hold an object of your client in your hand and read through what you pick up from that object. We did flower readings, which work the same as psychometry except that your client needs to first hold the flower for a short while to infuse their energy with the flower and then you read it – whereas psychometry is generally done using a piece of jewellery or an item of clothing worn by the client and does not require your client to specifically hold it prior to giving it to you as their vibrations and energy would already be in the piece.
So using various tools to experiment with helps you, the learner, to find what resonates with you and so formulate within your own mind, how you and your spirit guide want to work when you begin your own practise.
Sitting in a development circle also helps you to learn from the other members of the circle in that you get to see what they experience and how they interpret what they get which in turn helps you to distinguish true messages received by you from your imagination. To know that what you’re getting isn’t being made up by your mind!