South Africa
I invite you to fall in love with yourself, to discover the depths of your being, to get in touch with the power of your Divine femininity. Because you are so beautiful, so wise, so full of energy and joy… but sometimes you forget this.
Would you like to:
- Emerge from the shadows of illusion of ‘the woman we should be like’ (whether self-defined or defined by society or the collective consciousness).
- Embrace the purity of our Divine Feminine essence through the gift of unconditional love.
- Empower the creative feminine within and journey to manifesting the life we want.
Join me, Chetna and like-minded women in a safe and loving space to reconnect to the purity and divinity of our feminine energy. We are women but each of us have our own vibration, our own gifts, our own beauty, our own uniqueness. Let’s celebrate them!
The retreat will include a variety of group activities, guided meditation, yoga/movement, labyrinth walk, breathing techniques, journaling and self-reflection, creative expression, intuitive exercises as well as time-alone.
Cost: R3 800 per person (3 nights’ accommodation, all meals, all activities). Book before 25th June and pay in full R3 500!