We exist in a living universe. There is life and energy and order, in everything around us. As human beings, we generally become so focused on our day to day lives and we’re always so caught up in the humdrum of everything that is happening around us, that we aren’t aware of the more subtle energies around us. Whatever the reason, we do limit our perceptions. Unfortunately, that also limits the possibilities within our rational world. And what do I mean by that?
There is life that is evolving side-by-side with human development – the Spirit Realm. Spirit beings have bodies, for want of a better word, but of course, as a much lighter substance. They are invisible to our heavier sensibilities, but they embody the creative intellect and the transmuting energy of the universe. They are the Angelic hierarchy, our Spirit Guides and Helpers and all the Arch-angels and Lords of Karma who operate within the Universal Consciousness. Much of the good that we know in this world, is the result of their work – whether it be the beauty of nature, creative inspiration or the wonders that we refer to as miracles.
We do not have to be aware of their presence to receive their benefits, just as we do not have to be constantly aware of the air that we breathe. Yet they are as nourishing to us and as essential to our lives as that air. Most people consider Angels, and Spirit Beings the stuff of fiction, especially in this age of intellect and science. However, they have been active in history in every age and every race as far back as anything ever recorded. You need to know and accept that you will never prove to everyone’s satisfaction, the reality of their existence, but with increased awareness we can each begin to experience them in our own ways. And that, for me is what is most important. After all, you are the captain of your ship and how you choose to experience your human existence is but your business only. One of the most profound joys in life is feeling the comforting breath of the Angels and our Spirit Guides on us. It inspires joy, love and wonder at the magnificence of the universe.
I find it quite interesting that we, as human beings, believe that we are the highest form of life. It is true that we have a divine spark, but so do countless numbers of other life forms. Many of these life forms express that divine spark more radiantly and more consistently than we do.
There are myriads of entities within the Universal Consciousness. They are called Messengers, Sons and Daughters of the Divine, Spirits, Holy Ones, Devas, Shining Ones, Nature Spirits, Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels. Whether we experience their love through our Spirit Guides, through nature, through religion or even directly, it should strengthen and encourage us to know that those above us desire to lift us gently to higher realms. They only want the best for us. They know how the universe works, how the creative energy of the Great I Am works. They understand the journey of the soul for they are the ones privy to everything that is.
The functions of Angels include praising and attending to the Divine, protecting the faithful and guiding humanity. There are angels of power, healing, home, nature, art, beauty and creation. There are angels for every aspect of life, and if nothing else, it should reassure us that we do not have to do anything alone.
The functions of Guides is to protect humanity, to inspire humanity, to bring enlightenment of the Divine to humanity, to assist humanity in living a physical existence in accordance with the life contract that they have signed and committed to. The Guides are also there to help facilitate communication between the physical and the Spirit Realm. They bring to us the light of the Divine and work tirelessly to keep humanity on the straight and narrow. There are Guides for every aspect of human existence. There are guides for power, healing, home, nature, art, beauty, creativity, finance, relationships, business, education, religious teachings, spiritual teachings, spiritual development of each and every soul. I’m sure there are many more, but these are what I can think of off the top of my head.
The Archangels are the interpreters of the higher orders and they serve as mediators between humanity and the Divine Powers of the Universe. The Nature Spirits and Angels work for the rhythmic unfoldment of the universe through the forces and expressions of nature, whether it be assisting a blade of grass to grow, or assisting the movement of the planet and stars throughout the universe.
We all know about Guardian Angels, but few know about Spirit Guides. And there is a difference, even though they work in tandem for the progression of the evolution of all souls. Allen Kardec’s book The Spirits’ Book, first published over 100 years ago, is so interesting. It is a compilation of interviews that Allen Kardec was privileged to have with many Spirit Beings, through two young mediums. Allen Kardec was so named by his Spirit Guide, who instructed him to put together this series of interviews and publish under the name of Allen Kardec. On the hierarchy of Spirit, one of his questions was, Is there a fixed number of order or degrees of purification among spirits? To which the response was : “The number of such orders is unlimited, because there is nothing like a barrier or line of demarcation between the different degrees of elevation, and therefore, as there are no fixed or arbitrary divisions among spirits, the number of orders may be increased or diminished according to the point of view from which they are considered. Nevertheless, if we consider the general characteristics of spirits, we may reduce them to three principal orders or degrees.”
“We may place in the first or highest rank those who have reached the degree of perfection which constitutes what may be called pure spirits. We may place in the second rank those who have reached the middle of the ascensional ladder, those who have achieved the degree of purification in which aspiration after perfection has become the ruling desire. We may place in the third or lower rank all those imperfect spirits who are still on the lower rungs of the ladder. They are characterized by ignorance, the love of evil, and all the low passions that retard their progress upwards.’
Again, there’s so much in this book that I’d love to share, but I have to ensure that we stick to the topic which is meeting your Spirit Guide. The reason I’ve shared just this one very small excerpt is to make you aware of the Spirit Realm in that the divisions within the Spirit Realm is not as clearly cut and defined as some people purport it to be. However, we can see from this direct message from Spirit, that our Guides fall within the hierarchy of the highest order of ranking for want of a better word. Our Spirit Guides are Spirit Beings who have reached perfection, they have reached the absolute final destination in the evolution of their soul. Therefore they have the experience and are equipped with the knowledge that is required to take on the responsibility of being a main Spirit Guide for another soul.
It’s also important that you know where you Spirit Guide is (in terms of vibrational energy) so that you get to understand the degree of how much to have to raise your vibration. It’s so that you can understand exactly what it is that you are trying to attain, in meeting your Spirit Guide. In terms of the hierarchy of Spirit Beings, there is an interesting distinction between Spirit and Physical and I will do my best to explain it here.
As Spirit Beings, in accordance with the evolution of our Soul, the majority of us are part of what is described by Allen Kardec’s Interviewees, as being on the second rank – those who have reached the middle of the ascensional ladder, those who have achieved the degree of purification in which aspiration after perfection has become the ruling desire. We know that our physical existence, vibrates on a much lower energy than the entire Spirit Realm. We now also know that there is a lower rank of Spirit Beings and these are imperfect spirits who are still on the lower rungs of the ladder. I would say that there are many people on the earth who form part of this lower rank of Spirit Beings as well, and it is possible that we, you and I, fall somewhere within being part of the lower rank and being part of the second rank. To explain further, most of us are imperfect, that’s the reason why we have taken on another physical life. But, having said that, within our imperfection, we have the aspiration to perfection and through living a life attuned to the development of our Soul, we are teetering between these two ranks.
So if you can imagine yourself on that particular level of vibration, somewhere between the lower and slightly higher, then you can start to see how much effort it is going to take to be able to reach the vibration of the higher realms, whilst still being a Spirit Being who vibrates on the lower levels. I hope I’m not frightening you here, I just want you to completely understand that this is one of the reasons why it takes so long to be able to tap into the Spirit Realm at a level that you can meet with your Spirit Guide. And of course it can be done. Because even though I’m painting a picture here of you being on the lower levels of Spiritual evolution of your soul, I don’t know that to be fact. None of us know what level of Spiritual development someone has already attained. We do know that there are people who have walked the earth, like Jesus and Mother Theresa, who have lived among us but through their behaviours have demonstrated that they are in fact highly developed Souls. This shows us too that there are Souls who choose to come into a physical life as teaching souls and their absolute purpose is in service to mankind. There is no other reason for them coming to the earth. However, I would say that the majority of us are here in the physical still working on the development of our Soul and we can speed it up, through making that connection to our Spirit Guide and working in tandem with them for the betterment of our Soul – for the healing and the evolution of our Souls to take place.
If you’d like to learn to connect to your Spirit Guide, please give me a shout, I have the most amazing course for you! glynis@spiritconnection.co.za