Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
19 October 2019
Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quiet your mind; find a comfortable undisturbed space, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, according to your personal frequency requisite.
I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and gift unto thee a divine blessing of emotion.
Greetings Beloved ones
Beloved ones the essence of emotion is a most divine gift, gifted unto Humanity to enable them to express from deep within themselves to the world out there.
Now the world out there may not necessarily be a place on the outside of the self although most perceive it to be, but in fact the world out there is a world within the self which the self begins to integrate as it allows the expression of emotion, and when the expression of emotion takes one onto a journey of greater understanding of the self it has to be done within the essence of surrender.
So those are your two keys, surrender into the higher emotions of self.
This doorway that you are facing now perhaps in this time of your journey or perhaps this day of the week, perhaps in this sector of the process that you are going through, it matters not as all is relative, what you are facing at this doorway of the heart is to enable yourself to express your emotions by surrendering into the power thereof instead of using the power behind the emotion to push you into a direction of different or adverse expression.
Beloved ones the pathway of emotion is a beautiful one, perhaps many misunderstand the concept of emotion and relate that to the lower emotional field which is usually contained within the sacral area which is more of an erratic expression of unbalanced energy of overactive emotions like a volcano, than that of the most beautiful, most incredible placid lake, a lake found amongst mountains surrounded by mountains high up, a lake supported by the weight and the divine structure of the mountains, that is where you find the heart, that is where you find the bliss and the balance of the emotions.
Humanity as a whole finds the treasure map that gifts them the pointers of discovering their emotional field rather tricky so say the least. Most of humanity, your beloved brothers and sisters are still in a process of awakening and rediscovering or not discovering. Some have already discovered who they are; some discovered this the moment they woke up on the beautiful planet whilst others discover something new in themselves every single day, yet there is nothing new. They remember and re-member their memories, and because of that they begin to integrate by allowing themselves, giving themselves permission of integrating aspects that they believe they have newly discovered yet are simply rediscovering.
In the process of rediscovering the self, one must face the golden pillar of emotion, and for the average being to be able to tap into and work through and process it, thus be able to express that emotion, they have to allow themselves the gift of surrender, for only once you are totally and absolutely able to surrender in to that which is of a higher expression, are you able to begin to embrace the area of truth that you stand within, and that proves to be really tricky for humanity as a whole.
Beloved ones this is a planet of emotion. Most of you have been restricted in many ways to express your emotions along the way, be that as a teenager, a toddler, even up to this very day. Some are in the prime of their being and still restricted by some or the other process or organization or person that feels that you should not or are unable to hold the divine expression of your emotion. When you surrender into your own emotional field the essence of love is what encapsulates you first, and when you are able to express with emotion and that expression is held captive within the crystalline thought process of surrender with clarity and tranquility, it is from within the capsule of love that you express this.
I understand very well (although some may beg to differ) but I understand very well the immense trauma some of you are facing and experiencing at a cross roads, having to choose between situations, and the easiest way beloved ones to find direction in all of that is to place yourself in the very centre of that pathway and then to surrender your emotions into your heart space, allowing your heart space to project back into your emotional field absolute bliss, tranquility and calm and within that space you are able to take yourself to the next level of decision making for the (lower) emotions is what usually sends you tumbling, for humanity becomes over emotional and they allow their emotions to run away with them instead of using emotion as a beautiful flower, instead of using emotion as your pearl, instead of using your emotions to birth your compassion for you to express from, instead they use emotions as a tool of rage, of war, a tool of anger, they use emotion as a weapon and that is not why emotions or how emotions should be integrated and used. By working with your emotional body you work with the essence of self that is able to truly express on a physical level what is feels internally, and what you feel internally should be entirely based upon your heart space, thus where your heart is at, that is the divine expression of your being, that is who you truly are.
Beloved ones when every single aspect of you come together in one divine expression, you have what you call the physical reflection of your soul song which can only be expressed through the divine levels of the sacred heart and until the sacred heart is able to take that expression and work through it, in other words until you are able to surrender into your emotions in a balanced way, until then the lower heart expression is the one that reflects unto the personality self that which it wishes to, and then the combination of the first three chakras jumps in combining with the heart which expresses through the throat how you see yourself, along with how the world sees you through the 3rd eye, and in many ways the outcome of that, the eventual expression of that in this world right now is done through the crown.
But the emotions that are contained within the heart space as your higher emotions, those are the emotions that we wish for you to surrender into for you to be able to tap into a greater expression of the self and therefore to be able to expand from the heart space into an unbelievable world of creation which is yours for the grabs, it is waiting for you, but as with every stage in your life it is a step by step process and unfortunately like I said some are unable to express their emotions from a higher divine state and therefore they use it as a weapon within the lower state, and what is your sacral chakra about in its imbalanced state? War.
Yes the base centre is where you formulate or plan that war but in the sacral is where you actually go ahead, you get your guys together and you say “we are now declaring war, we are at war”. This is the unbalanced side of the emotions that sends you tippling over, time and again, and if you could but stop yourself in that very moment, which is what is required of you, to stop yourself in the moment of total disregard for the self and able to retract every imbalanced emotional expression, then you are slowly beginning to learn how to surrender into your higher emotions.
Emotions are very important in this world as it is your way of expression, in case you have not realised this as some can be emotionally dead. Yes there are some that are unable to give their emotion the light of day and on the other end there are others that are so emotional and so dramatic it runs away with them, whilst some don’t even realise that they have to bring these two in balance.
Beloved ones the keys for this particular section is surrendering into your higher emotions, highlighting higher emotions, let’s not create confusion here, I am not asking you to declare war, in fact quite the contrary. The higher emotions is what you surrender into for you to expand and grow as a being, for you to be able to integrate what you have learned, for you to be able to create a platform to express from and to prepare from and to propel yourself from, that is what the higher heart space offers you, the bliss of this beautiful lake high up in the mountains. Why high up in the mountains? Because it takes a trek to get there! If it didn’t beloved ones can you imagine the abuse surrounding it, yes you can because many live within that abuse, you see it daily, some of you are a part of it, some create it and some of you are suffering because of it. This lake of your divinity and thus serenity is a sacred space with the most magnificent waterfalls all around it, some fall down into it, whilst others pour from it, trickling its beautiful essences as suggestions for growth, evolution, change and understanding from a higher perception, trickling down from this beautiful lake into the ‘lower’ or average heart space. The heart space then has to come to terms with this and work with it, and if not it simply spills into the lower emotional field, into the ‘murky’ ponds yes, but from those ponds too come the most beautiful flowers and from those flowers come the most beautiful inspirational energy ever imagined and so it goes again.
Beloved ones to enable you to get into a space of total bliss, of total serenity, of total surrender, into the absolute core essence of the sacredness of self, you do so by surrendering into the sacredness of All That Is, which comes with a formula of love, intention, intuition, imagination, permission, integration and higher emotional surrender and when you do so you create this divine platform, this lake, you begin to tap into the mountains, you begin to see things and hear and feel things from a much higher level, higher than what you were accustom to within the first five senses, as the mountains become the bridge between the lake and the totality, the possibility and the truth of all that exists within this.
So from this formulae of love we ask that you keep your lower emotions in check by surrendering into your higher emotions, to understand that when you do so, you not only knock but you open the doorway of truth of the throat, you allow yourself a spiritual transformation for there has to be a transformation of absolute divinity within, the recognition of divinity within, which is what we are presenting you with, slowly, step by step and bit by bit. You are facing one of the most challenging platforms of this meditation, the heart, which is reflected in your years through the centre part of your life for most of you live on a three score and ten projection (around 70) so your mid years (40-50) can be a time when even greater emotional challenges comes in, usually the time when you have all of your crisis’s yes, your menopauses, male and female, when your emotions go flying out the window because you are rediscovering who you are and how are you doing that, by surrendering into a higher perception of you as part of All That Is.
May the Light of the Living Christ be with you now and always, and know that not now or not ever can you be alone.
I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and Master Chohan of the Golden Rays and Love and Wisdom and I greet and I bless you for you to surrender into your higher emotions now and always.
Welcome One and All. I am an Author, Therapist, Spiritualist, Mediator and Lightworker. I have experienced many levels of the spirit world first hand apart from being a channel for the Ascended Masters & Light beings since 8 August 2006. I chose this lifetime to ‘wake up’ and with that be in service to assist myself, Gaia and humanity on every level possible, in support of the unfolding Golden Age and New Earth. No matter the experience I shall continue my quest for Peace and Abundance for all, as I embrace The Light of Creation to guide our every way. www.visionoftheheart.rg 0837872893