Surrender into higher emotions
Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
12 December 2019
12 12 12 – 3 3 3 Universal Solstice 2019
Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quiet your mind; find a comfortable undisturbed space, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, according to your personal frequency requisite.
I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of peace.
Greetings beloved ones
The celebration this day commemorates achievements and projections of achievements, in other words that which you have already achieved and that which you wish to achieve.
The energy of this day is a very powerful process of energies that come together for you to reflect on that which was and to project that which is to come. Every year you celebrate the Universal Solstice on this day, on the 12:12, the 12th December, but it is not every year that you come to celebrate this specific day on a full moon which is a time of releasing ties that binds you, a time of creating anew, a time of letting go, but also in retrospect the numerology of the day is a 9 and as you very well know 9 within numerology means an end of a cycle and it so happens to be an end of a cycle indeed, it is the end of another decade, it is the beginning of a new decade in 2020, and therefore the last celebration of the Universal Solstice and the very last full moon of this decade.
Reflecting back on this decade, it invites you to look at things in a number of different ways. When you think of cycles, this energy invites you to look back 12 years according to a 12 cycle. If you look at the numerology it also asks you to look back at a 9 year cycle. When you look at the cycle of the Earth it asks to you to look back reflecting on where you were on the 12th December 2012 as that was the last time you faced a similar numerology to this day, the 12:12:12, thus in retrospect you are also facing an energy very similar to that which reverts to a 9 as it did 7 years ago.
Beloved ones leading up to 12th December 2012, humanity faced an incredibly unsettling time, many lightworkers based their projections upon illusions and no matter how we from the realms of light tried to intervene and explain to humanity what the true energy behind 2012 was, the end of that cycle according to the Mayans thus the end of the old Earth and the beginning of the new, their stubbornness wouldn’t let them. People gathered in groups waiting to ascend, others gathered on their own waiting to disintegrate, and boom you were still there the next day, how utterly disappointed everyone was, spirit is wrong, blaspheming against spirit. Spirit never told you that you were going to instantly become Merlin overnight, no, if you had listened to the messages given to you in the framework of unconditional love, sincerity, divinity and total sacredness you would’ve understood then what we are telling you now. You are once again at another crossroads where you have to make decisions, a crossroads where you have to find yourself within a centered space for you to be able to go ahead and create anew and as we have shared with you previously the only way you can actually face the choices let alone the consequences of a crossroads is for you to become totally centralized within yourself, to be absolutely grounded within your authentic essence, that is the way to do it.
So here you are now on the eve of yet another transmutation, a transmutation into a whole new decade. We have mentioned previously that especially the first four years of the new decade may be challenging to some. We have therefore suggested for you to get into your own power and thus stand firm within your own consciousness, in other words, within your own secure beliefs of who you know that you are, which would enable you to lend a hand to others as your heart is open, thus assist those that may be in need.
The trials ahead not only include weather abnormalities and consciousness challenges but this is a time of truly anchoring yourself very firmly into that which you have trained yourself to be. Yes you have trained yourself to be. We provided the information, we offered you the opportunity to learn and grow, but it is only through your own willingness and your commitment and your dedication that you are able to integrate these teachings and make it work for you. We told you that a time will come, that unless you are completely anchored within your power as a divine powerful light beacon, a lightworker and light warrior that things will become exceptionally shaky and I am going reiterate all that this day.
Beloved ones the writing is on the wall, it is the end of a cycle, it is the end of an older way of looking at things if that makes any sense, for in the new energy there is whole new process unfolding upon your plane, shall we say, it’s like an upgrade of energy, like you upgrade your computers, like you upgrade your software, well your personal software is about to be upgraded. If you work with the teachings given to you and you are able to reflect this back into your life and live your life accordingly and embrace that which is given to you and you are able to in a nonintrusive, non- malefic way share this with your brothers and sisters, beloved ones, if you can stay within the saneness of your light, you are taken care of, and if you are taken care of surely you can help take care of others, but the time is here, it’s on your doorstep, in fact its knocking and it says, it is time to truly take a very deep look at the ingrained essences, the energies that you have taken on and what are you reflecting out into the world, in other words, you cannot profess to be something and then act in another way, that is hugely confusing, you cannot sit on the fence anymore, you can’t pretend to be a wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing, you cannot.
This is what the new energy will force you to face, it is going to call you to your task.
The new energy coming in is profoundly real, profoundly honest and profoundly authentic and it is going to call you to your task, each and every one of you, therefore we say be ready, get ready, dress yourself in that which suits your life and then live it. You needn’t look to another or judge each other for remember at the end of the day there is no right and there is no wrong, there is no black and there is no white.
So on this very auspicious day where the end of this cycle presents to you the beginning of a new tomorrow, a new energy, a newness of being with The New You, we would like to remind you of the centre part of this meditation we taught, The New You, which is the conclusion behind it. In this essence, in this section of the meditation that you are working with, you are asked to sow your own seeds of that which you wish to create in your life and you did that by invoking or inviting four Masters to work with you. The four Masters used a very specific crystalline energy to flood this energy that you requested into your being, infiltrating from the four corners of your golden pyramid.
You were asked to choose four different crystal energies to work with when you initially invoked the Masters. You asked each Master to introduce you to one crystal and the essence of those four crystals is the energy that is being infiltrated into your pyramid. So if anyone of you that are following this work can remember your crystals we would invite you to go back and reflect on what you are actually integrating here at this stage of the meditation on a very personal level, for that is the essence you take on, through love, illumination and enlightenment which the crystalline energy floods into your pyramid, to prepare you to remember once again the golden rose in the heart and the golden key.
We took you through initiating the golden rose into your heart centre many years ago, we explained and expressed the essence behind the golden rose at the time, the ever evolving, magnificent golden rose which contained the golden key within its core. We then asked you to duplicate that key into all of your centers thus we instantly placed a trace of gold into every one of your chakras, one to twelve. Thirteen as you know is the culmination of everything so if it is one to twelve it must be in thirteenth, so each one of your chakras has actually been given the energy of gold within it to empower it. What does gold do, it gives you power, it strengthens you; it is a masculine energy so supports and uplifts you, and it protects you. The golden frame is always used around protection. From that we went into the ascension chakras, a process that you were blessed with in 2012, 12 steps, 12 months, 12 chakras, each of them with 12 strands, culminating in 144, which you celebrated on this day back in the time zone of 2012, on the 12.12.12.
Now here we are again at the end of an era on the next 12.12.12, and we again say to you; recall the blessings that you received, the mega lessons of integration that you went through and worked through, and still are. Bring this into a current, new, modern reality, reflect on all this on this day and the days that are to come, integrate this into your lifestyle, in the way that you are, in the way that you have been, and into the projection of where you see yourself at. So this energy is a spring board, a spring board that can catapult you into a whole new reality depending on what you want. This day and time says state your case beloved ones, this energy says stand up for yourself, state your case and say what you want and then be in that framework to claim what you want, for it is yours, but you need to claim it.
From there we went into the star and earth chakras, connecting to the grids, the major grids, the grids beyond that, we introduced you to a ‘new’ energy, a gamma consciousness; it is consciousness beyond consciousness. It is an introduction into a cosmic and galactic awareness unlike anything you’ve experienced before, it is a new way of thinking, it’s a quantum leap into your future which gives you new opportunities, thus begin to learn to tap into this energy. It will take time, but as with everything practice makes perfect yes. So the more you practice the more you will tap into that energy, the more you will tap into a world where there is no time, distance, space, length, measurement, where nothing is in boxes, yet in perfect geometrical order and it is sacred. It’s a world where we ask you to integrate quantum leaps of understanding and perceiving in a new way by integrating galactic consciousness, an open expansive cosmic consciousness. This is preparing you to grow up in such a way that you are able to wear your interdimensional boots with pride, and yet be very anchored in your present reality, for you are on Earth and as we said before please don’t ever forget you are not supposed to spend your life in your upper three chakras because without the experience of the lower three you are never going to integrate the upper three anyway, so you may as well enjoy being human, won’t you say, I would say. Enjoy being human, but be responsible about being human, be proud of being human, take on those crystal essences and live your life with love.
Once you expand through the star and earth chakras, there is a very short quiz, a quiz which is often overlooked, it’s a check-in, it says: Know where your energy at, where do you think your energy needs to be, are you here, are there, are you grounded, are you ready, can you fly, can you traverse and explore? Once you are able to integrate that and actually quiz yourself on that and come to the conclusions of your own answers only then do we say ok fine lets relax, lets open up the expansiveness through the codes of expansion and by letting these codes infiltrate your energy field in meditation which brings you to a new awareness, a new understanding of yourself through the codes of expansion. We have shared this in great detail thus learn and know them, enjoy them, understand them if you wish to appreciate the essence of this exercise. We understand that not everybody is going to get it but you will be surprised how much you will learn if you allow yourself to have fun doing so!
Allow these codes to expand your consciousness and rewire your energy field by working with your energy field on all different levels, preparing you for that which is to come. There are two major things that this integration support and that is: For those that are of an evolved consciousness it births the melding of certain chakras, and secondly the integration of much higher levels of perception thus consciousness through the crystalline energy, the conversion from a heavy carbon bodied into an expansive crystalline silica understanding.
Your body will be the same but it will be wired differently as you come to understand that you as a biological being are far more than just a body, you will begin to understand that the essence of your soul, your spirit can influence your physicality, can change your DNA, and your DNA can change your past, present and your future, it can rescript the past for you to be able to perceive it the way it was intended instead of being victimized by the way it controlled you. You can finally let go of fear and guilt and shame and blame and judgment, let go of those things……away with you, away with you.
Change your future by understanding where you are at in your present space, by understanding who you are, what you are, and where you see yourself at, therefore you realign your present experiences for it to reflected your future thus where you want to be, but understand in all this, all that matters is this NOW, but if you see this now, as it is, the way you wish your future to be, then this now will be your future.
So this is what the codes of expansion gifts you, it expands your energy. We also use the frequency of sound and color to integrate all this energy and then at the very end of that the whole process realise how far you have come. It is like the energy of this day, it calls you to your task, to reflect back on that which you created and culminated and it dares you beloved ones to only recall the positive and the good and the great, for let me tell you something, it matters not that you may think at times that you have failed at something, it matters not what you think have controlled you in a negative way, what matters is for you to remember that which supported you, which boosts you, that which lifted you up and is lifting you up and that which will lift you up to become the best that you can be and that is the bottom line of your life, to become the best that you can be, what else do you want to become? Not martyr nor saint, those are our sayings, and for you to become the best that you can be we give you another opportunity to finally blast the original colors into your energy field, the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet…..boom! Then reaffirm the ascension chakras, get it into your mind, understand who you are, embrace your multidimensionality, embrace your co-creative ability, embrace the small, the big, the micro and macro, embrace the fact that you have got a fantastic world ahead of you and it’s your oyster, it’s yours for the taking, or it’s yours for the breaking, it depends on you.
Finally as this year winds down and you now come into a time of relaxation, of peace, of contentment, for you deserve it, we ask you to step back from all the business of this world perhaps even step back from the hectic intricacies of this meditation for a breather, for this meditation is extremely intense and it is very, very busy, it really calls you to your task of learning, of understanding, of integrating, because beloved ones this meditation is not a pretty picture with frills around it, we are talking about shifting your consciousness, we are talking about shifting your energy field, we are talking about working with your Merkabic field, your torus field, your energy field, we hook you into your consciousness cord, we introduce you to your life cord the Sutratman, we make you aware of your Sushamna, your chakric cord. This meditation is jam packed with action, and now this step ends by preparing you to come into quiet time, to prepare you for your time with your Maker on a one on one basis without Masters, just you. You, your inner child, your totem animal and higher self fused as one with the Masters supporting you. Your Higher Self is one with you as always. Here we invite you through this essence to completely calm down, to come into the sacredness of self by fully claiming and embracing your humanitarian self.
Beloved ones your connection with the Divine is strengthened though your humbleness.
The next level of this meditation, the next step which we will take you through in the new year, has now stripped away everything, as you say all the bling is gone, the drama has gone, you’ve integrated your higher emotions, you tap into your feelings without the drama as you stand at the brink of a new tomorrow, stripped bare, with your original soul flame essence of who you are.
You are a beautiful flame of light, you are a magnificent spark of the Divine, as am I, the only thing that separates us is a veil of perception.
So my message to you today as we walked the journey from love and purity through intention, awaken your imagination and intuition by giving yourself permission to integrate, to surrender into higher emotions, to come stand on this platform of love, make sure that as a humanitarian, as a beautiful being which is the expression of divinity in human form, to surround yourself with love, make sure that all that you share is of love, and at times of anger, at times of disappointment, and at times of irritation and conflict, blast that off, but return to the essence of love, for love is and always will be all that you are.
We bless you for this time ahead; we sincerely bless you with unconditional love all the days of your being and understand that not now or not ever can you be alone.
May the Light of the Living Christ live within you and may you know that you are divinely loved.
I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and the Master of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and I bless thee in love.
Welcome One and All. I am an Author, Therapist, Spiritualist, Mediator and Lightworker. I have experienced many levels of the spirit world first hand apart from being a channel for the Ascended Masters & Light beings since 8 August 2006. I chose this lifetime to ‘wake up’ and with that be in service to assist myself, Gaia and humanity on every level possible, in support of the unfolding Golden Age and New Earth. No matter the experience I shall continue my quest for Peace and Abundance for all, as I embrace The Light of Creation to guide our every way. www.visionoftheheart.rg 0837872893