I’m reminded today of my connection to the Universe, my connection to everything that moves, lives and breathes, my absolute connection to my Creator. I’m reminded too that in order to truly feel that connection, breathing is of the utmost importance.
When I allow myself to breathe, taking in prana, vital air, I raise my consciousness, my level of awareness, my state of vibration. Quietness of the mind is achieved through meditation, a vital aspect of our lives. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying says this : The purpose of meditation is to awaken in us the sky-like nature of mind, and to introduce us to that which we really are, our changing pure awareness, which underlies the whole of life and death. In the stillness of silence of meditation, we glimpse and return to that deep inner nature that we have so long ago lost sight of amid the busyness and distraction of our minds. Isn’t it extraordinary that our minds cannot stay still for longer than a few moments without grasping for distraction; they are so restless and preoccupied that sometimes I think that living in a city in the modern world, we are already like the tormented beings in the intermediate state after death, where the consciousness is said to be agonizingly restless. According to some authorities, up to 13 percent of people in the United States suffer from some kind of mental disorder. What does that say about the way we live? We are fragmented into so many different aspects. We don’t know who we really are, or what aspects of ourselves we should identify with or believe in. So many contradictory voices, dictates and feelings, fight for control over our inner lives that we find ourselves scattered everywhere, in all directions, leaving nobody at home. Meditation, then, is bringing the mind home.
There is an amazingly powerful meditation entitled Sitting in the Power. I would strongly advise anyone wanting to connect to their higher self and to the universal consciousness, to do this meditation on a regular basis. What it will do is assist in opening up your third eye which will reveal to you a world yet perhaps unknown. When you sit in the power you give yourself the opportunity to take control of every aspect of your life and when you control all aspects of your life, you are taken to a space of contentment and a deeper understanding of yourself and others. Here is a link that you can follow to find a beautiful guided Sitting in the Power Meditation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbE7K2ifXu4&list=RDQMuhEH85P-XDw&start_radio=1
Whether you meditate or not, you need to take time out every day, to just ‘be’. Just allow yourself to blend and melt into the moment. Shut out all that is without and look, with your inner eyes, within. Make it your mission to find who you are, to know who you are, to like who you are, and to commune with yourself. Take pleasure in stripping away the cares of the day and leaving them at the door of your inner mind. Offload at that door and relax into yourself, relax into the connection that is you and the Universe. Breathe.
In love and light