The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.
I have taken the liberty of using this quote, by an unknown author, to open my message to you today. As most of you know, I am a meditation teacher. I have been teaching meditation for many years and if it has taught me anything, it is, that in order to structure my thoughts, to find the answers I’m looking for, and to connect my soul to the universal consciousness, I can only achieve this through meditation.
Recently, there has been much talk about mindfulness meditation, to the point that big corporates are employing the services of mindfulness meditation practitioners for their staff. The benefits of any form of meditation, are tangible and are beginning to be noticed by more than just those who seek the spiritual path. I know from my experience, that meditation can be relaxing. It can bring about a sense of calm when everything around us is spinning out of control as well as having huge physical benefits such as reduced heart rate and more oxygen being pumped through your system, brought about by controlled and proper breathing.
Challenges are presented to us every day. Every day we find ourselves grappling with decisions that need to be made. We find ourselves worrying about our future or focusing on past negative experiences that we believe are holding us back from achieving a peaceful and fulfilled life. But here’s a thought : what if the only thing holding you back, is in your mind? What if the only thing holding you back, is fear of what the future may bring? What if we’re judged negatively for trying? And what if we are our biggest unforgiving critic?
I think we need to become completely aware of the fact that we don’t need permission from anyone to do anything that we decide to do with our life. We are all only responsible for our own choices and decisions. We are all only responsible for the way in which we conduct our lives and the way in which we interact with others. Whether or not someone else approves or disapproves is absolutely of no consequence. I met a beautiful lady last week who was completely distraught because she had been forced into circumstances beyond her control. Her response to my questions was that she doesn’t have a choice. Believe me, there is always a choice. It may be an uncomfortable choice but all the same, it may just be the best choice you’ve made in your life! And that is why I say, we need to start asking the what if questions but with a positive outcome. So what if I make this particular decision and I get completely blown away by the outcome? What if I make myself vulnerable enough to allow others to see that I’m fearful but that I’m courageous all at the same time?
We spend way too much time handing our power over to someone else. Then when we’re not happy with the outcome, we lay blame on that person to whom we handed over our power. My question is this: “would you give someone your banking details and say, here’s my bank account, use it as you will.” And if the answer is a resounding no, then why give someone else the power to make a decision that affects your life in a drastic way and knowing that you’re not going to have any control over what that outcome is going to be?
Life is continually changing. We face new and exciting events in our life more often that we allow ourselves to see. We also face some really challenging experiences and quite often it feels more the case than not. Remember though, that focusing on the negative is so much easier than it is to focus on the positive. Start your gratitude journal today. Write down five things every night that you’re grateful for. Five positive things that have happened in your life. Change the way you think and look for the good in yourself, your life and others. Soon, you will find yourself bringing positive outcomes into your space. Your life will change for the better and suddenly you’ll feel both joy and happiness and that joy and happiness will eminate out to the people around you.
Here’s wishing you a glorious day and week ahead. May we all strive for happiness and fulfilment in our lives and more importantly, we may all achieve happiness and fulfilment.