The yin and yang symbol represents the concept of good and bad. It is originally a Chinese symbol with multiple significances. Yin Yang can also mean two halves of a whole, a man and a woman or night and day (the moon being the black half while the sun is the white half).
This concept of duality is something that we all understand. We know that there is light and dark, good and bad, happy and sad. And when we delve further then we get to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. But what does that actually mean? Loosely translated, it could mean Karma ie for everything that you do, it’s bound to come back to you at some point. However, the statement actually means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.
Why am I talking about this? I’ve had some interesting conversations and discussions around the concept of Karma. For the most part, it’s easy to believe or rather hope, that when someone does something that is disagreeable to you, that something will happen to them, essentially, as punishment for their behaviour and actions. But of course it’s not that simple.
I much prefer the Hindu description of Karma which is this : “Karma” literally means “action,” and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs all consciousness. Karma is not fate, for we act with what can be described as a conditioned free will creating our own destinies.
Being in control of our own destinies, means that we choose our own lives, every single time we come to the earth. We choose our lives, based on what we already know about the lessons that we have learned, based on what it is that we want to achieve, within a particular lifetime, for the benefit of our own personal spiritual growth. In more simple terms, it is us who decide that through a certain circumstance within a particular lifetime, we would like to take on a similar experience, or one that would help us to fully comprehend what that experience means, how it feels and what benefit can be derived from living through that experience.
Therefore in consultation with the Lords of Karma, we negotiate a path for ourselves along the entire journey that our soul takes. It is us who decides how long we will be here on the earth and how long we want to remain in spirit before we return. Whilst we have our spiritual life recorded and stored within the Akashic records, we, as souls, have full knowledge of what is recorded within those records. We are fully aware of what we have and have not achieved along our spiritual path. We know what we need to do and through consultation and compassionate love from our guides and spirit helpers, we are able to make the choices that best suit our own personal development. Thus karma from our souls’ perspective, is essentially us being fully in control of our soul’s progression to perfection.
Knowing this, it makes so much more sense to take control of our lives whilst here on the earth in the physical. At the same time, to commune with our higher selves, which is the true essence of who we are, to keep the connection between our soul and our human self open at all times. Through doing this, we afford ourselves the opportunity to be 100% in control of our life-path, of the path we have chosen in this lifetime and to be in control of all the other lives that we have already lived. Being in control of the lives we have already lives, means that we’re able to see not only into our future, but into our past as well and in that way, understand the present.