We have come to realise that the manifestation of our mind and its ability to mirror or internally reflect external information as a guiding force, is beyond mere tentative assumptions and thought. As human beings, we have come to understand ourselves as the centre of perspective and at the same time the centre of the making of the universe through our conscious awareness.
We are living within the present moment of a single consciousness that is the living universe. However immense the universe may appear to us, it only exists, as we perceive it, even if this is beyond our current understanding of space-time and infinity. Better still, the larger we perceive the universe, the deeper and more fulfilling our consciousness will become because the mind is essentially the full compliment of the conscious whole through understanding its complexity and expanding relationships. From this point of view, the universe can be more personal without being subject to any exaggeration.
By crossing the threshold of reflection into absolute basic awareness, we are able to deepen our consciousness. Then piece by piece, minute fragments of awareness can transform into consciousness to form and expand our thought patterns from the original organised centre of our unique being.
We are a part of the conscious universe even though we keep ourselves imprisoned in human consciousness. All of our experiences are a result of our own choices, both conscious and subconscious. Nothing happens to us without the collaboration and approval of our metaphysical being. Although there is no such thing as a disconnected or isolated choice, all of our choices, however independent they may appear to us, spring out of a context of pre-existing elements. Not only do our choices take place within the context of a variety of pre-existing elements, many of these elements can be easily identified as a result of our previous choices. Choices of every type conceivable will have gone before each additional choice we make in life even if we are inclined to forget our earlier choices when they have lead us to unfavourable circumstances in the present. Every current choice we actually make is only the most recent choice in an uninterrupted series of choices.
When we expect our free will to be able to get rid of the reality that we have already established through our choices, we are actually engaging in the same kind of irrational thinking that might expect an outside force to change what already is, in answer to our personal wishes. All of the current things we have to work with whether good or bad, are conditions that represent the blending of our past choices. To expect undesirable situations to change magically does not provide us free choice. Free choice or the creative use of our free will, always leaves us free to choose in any given moment, the direction in which our unbroken series of choices will next take us.
May we continue to work together to ensure that every choice that we make is an informed one, based on the knowledge and wisdom that we have accumulated over our many existences. May we continue too to work towards lifting each other to greater heights.