You’d love to book a private reading (crossing over) …. But… you don’t really know what it’s all about and one of your biggest questions is, “where is the spirit world?” or “what can I expect from a private reading?” or even “will a private reading help me with what my current challenges are?” or very likely “will a private reading connect me with someone who I have loved and who is now in the spirit world?”
I’ve been doing readings for over 20 years and what I have found is that even with the many varied spiritual practises available within the holistic arena, a lot of people do not know what a private reading is. So I’ve chosen five questions for this article that I believe most people would love to have the answers to. Please bear in mind that this is based on the work that I do, ie my readings and how I conduct them as well as how I work with my spirit guides. Some mediums may work differently or have a different interpretation but yes, this is mine.
1. Where is the spirit world?
The spirit world is all around us! Literally occupying the exact same space as us! The only thing that separates us from the spirit world is the level of vibration on which we, as human beings, and those in spirit, operate. We are all energy which means that we are all essentially sparks of light energy. The difference between our loved ones in the spirit world and us here on the earth, is that our spirit or soul, occupies a physical body, whereas those in spirit are light energy.
2. What happens to us when we die?
We all come from the spirit world, and we all return to the spirit world. The process of dying is particularly interesting for me and I will try my best to explain it here.
•When we decide to take on a physical body ie return to the earth to experience another life, we contract with our parents, siblings and family members. This is a spiritual contract which then resides within our Akashic records.
•During the process of fetal development, we attach our souls to the physical body through what is known as a golden thread. There are three threads that connect us and so we’re connected at the base of our spine, essentially at the root chakra point, the centre of our spine which essentially is at the heart chakra and at the base of the neck, pretty much in line with the throat chakra.
•When our physical body prepares to depart this earthly life, those golden threads are dissolved. Anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one, would perhaps have noticed how the body becomes cold from the outer extremities as it prepares to die and this is because these golden threads are dissolving in order to separate from the physical body.
•Once the dissolution of the golden threads is complete, the soul will then depart and leaves the body through the crown chakra. On arrival in the spirit world, the soul is generally greeted by departed loved ones, their spirit guides and healing angels who spend time with them assisting them in acclimitising to the level of vibration of the spirit world.
•From there, the soul is given the opportunity to analyse the life that they have just lived and a lot of work takes place which I won’t go into now.
3. What can I expect from a private reading?
A private reading requires the services of a medium who will facilitate a conversation between the sitter (you) and your departed loved ones in the spirit world. I work with my spirit guide who will facilitate the entire process. Generally, I will be able to feel how that person died ie I physically feel what they did and this is quite important to me, because it helps to confirm for my sitter that I am connecting to their loved one. I always ask my client to have a conversation with me so that I can be the conduit between them and the spirit world and I then bring through their messages. So, I would say when booking a reading with me, you should think of it as having a conversation with me, my spirit guide, your spirit guide and your departed loved ones.
Not only do I help you attain a sense of peace through knowing that your loved ones are doing well in the spirit world, but I also work with my spirit guide to give you direction and upliftment to help you cope with challenges that you may be experiencing.
4. Will a private reading help me with my current challenges?
Absolutely! You can look at a private reading as a counselling session if you will. My spirit guides are so insightful and they really help me to guide you in the challenges that you’re experiencing in your life. They give advice but more importantly, they give you tools to use to overcome your challenges. I use the opportunity of a private reading to essentially educate my clients as to how the universe works and to understand why things are happening to them and what they can do to bring about a different outcome to those challenges.
5. Will a private reading connect me to a loved one in the spirit world?
I would say that 99% of the time, a loved one will come through in a private reading. It is so dependent on what kind of reading you’re coming to see me for. If you’re coming to talk about your life and get advice, you will likely find that the guides manage the majority of the reading, but even in those instances, there will very likely be someone that you know in the spirit world who will come through. If it is that you’ve come to see me specifically to connect to someone you love in the spirit world, that person will always come through. They know that’s the purpose of you coming to see me and they will never let you down.
I have created a short 5 ½ minute video for you to watch that sums up what this article says. Please do watch it, I’m sure it will answer any other questions that you may have. If you’d like to make a booking to see me – my contact details are at the very bottom of my website (this website), but for ease my phone number is 082 570 6473 (for outside of South Africa dial +27).
#privatereadings #crossingover #spiritworld #lovedones #departedlovedones #spiritconnection #spiritenergy #lightenergy #clairvoyance