Spirit Connection
A Salute to Mothers Everywhere
I kept 8th March open so that I could write the article myself. You see the 8th March marks the 25th anniversary of my mom’s...
Native American Medicine Wheel
The Medicine Wheel, sometimes known as the Sacred Hoop, has been used by generations of various Native American tribes for health and healing. It embodies the...
Let the Light Shine Down on our Pale Blue Dot
My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia – what is happening right now is just so wrong on...
Beyond Beliefs
Those beliefs you’ve been holding onto your entire life… it’s about time you bid them farewell. I’m talking about the beliefs your parents handed down...
Step Into Your Best Self
I have started a new series called Step Into Your Best Self which is a series of inspirational videos especially for you! We all need...
How do you know you are ready for a Relationship?
Many single people say they want a relationship and are ready to meet someone but have not done the work it takes to be ready...
World Peace Meditation
The Angels of Earth, Air, Fire and Water (12 mins) This meditation is designed to connect with the elements and raise your conscious awareness. Sit...
The Energies are Shifting
On the 22nd February there was much hype and chat around the significance of the day. And it truly has been if for no other...
Multiple Personalities / Walk-In Spirits or Possessions
Hello everyone, It’s John from Reaching Out Therapy here again to pass on some information that has been given to me by my team of...
22/02/2022 – Happy Twosday!
Tonight I release all energies that do not belong with me and ask that karma clears. I let go of old belief systems, unhealthy habits,...