There is always a thread that runs deep within the teaching of the Guides and as awareness waxes and wanes, so a particular prominence is brought to the fore. By this I mean that there are times when we are particularly aware of say ‘letting go’, or ‘gratitude’, for example. This prominence raises its intensity within my awareness, through my teaching, coaching and readings. So there will be certain issues, or eventualities, or behaviours that tend to bubble up into my awareness, as they arise during my sessions and interactions with people.
Right now, particular emphasis is being placed on energy. We are spirit beings ie energy. We are sparks of light energy and it is that light energy that takes on a physical incarnation when we choose to come to the earth.
We are and will always be one with the Light (the Great I Am), for we are energy and consciousness, guided by intelligence and our own inner truth. We have come from light made from nothing but primordial truth and soon we shall gladly receive the perfect model of reason and thought as the advent of death begins to merge our world of experience with transcendental existence. This perfect model of transformation is one that will end in the spirit of objective neutrality, beyond any fundamental concern for reality. However, we need to be consciously working towards this ultimate state of perfection keeping top of mind that the wings of the Great Mind lays over all and all energies are exactly as they should be, right now at the present state in time.
In essence, we are dynamic beings of light that in any given moment, inform the energy that flows through our physical bodies to imagine that we are the other things that are reflected back through our mind. Awareness reflects all that we perceive, including that which we call body which is only a mass of sensations or images in our mind. Our state of mind continually changes, but the awareness through which our state of mind is sensed, remains unmoved. Our natural sense of being somehow always remains the same, a presence that is not affected by the continuous transformation of our physical existence. Nor, by the continuous transformation of the continuous flow of energy.
The world is abuzz with messages of ascension, oracle visioning, stargates and new portals opening, shifts in energy and polar shifts, and visitations from other worlds. What does this all really mean and is any of these things really happening? There are so many different theories and so much speculation happening that one is left with feelings of uncertainty and insecurity. And that’s okay, right now. We need to question. We need to speculate. We need to come to place where can be content with what resonates with us. However, knowing that this place is in constant flux and the road to it, is constantly changing. Therefore, our perceptions and awareness are also constantly changing and so even as we begin to feel content, so our version of truth is moved, molded, twisted and reshaped into something new.
Soon each one of us will realise that we are beings of light energy and are entangled with all of existence. By realising the altering effects of our frequencies on everything in this dimension and beyond, we can align our energies, beliefs, intentions and actions with the greater consciousness and all that exists, and reach beyond our own limitations and understanding to realise our greatest potential. Through aligning with the greater consciousness and mastering this process, we will realise a multidimensional approach to our thoughts and actions as conscious creators and empower our focused intentions and energies to build a better world here on the earth.
Our experience in the physical world is not a means to an end, it is a facet of the journey to perfection. If we endeavour to be fully aware of each moment, we are able to know the depth of our true being, through letting the light of joy and compassion embrace and envelope our new existence within its warmth. We need to make a conscious decision to choose to experience this earthly existence guided by our higher selves, placing emphasis on that which is pure and whole – for this is how we will experience abundance and everlasting happiness.
What an exciting time to be alive! This Hindu Gayatri mantra is at this time, most fitting :
O God, The Giver of Life,
Remover of pains and sorrows,
Bestower of happiness, and
Creator of the Universe;
Thou art luminous, pure and adorable;
We meditate on Thee;
May Thou inspire and guide
Our intellect in the right direction
#energy #light #awakening #ascension #greatiam #gayatrimantra #beingsoflight