Drakensberg Gardens Road
Underberg, 3257
South Africa
Healing through the Enneagram with Compassion: Cultivate love, compassion, and presence by using this ancient wisdom map
What is the Enneagram?
The name “Enneagram” comes from two Greek words: ennea meaning “nine” and gram meaning “drawing” or “figure.” The Enneagram is a nine-pointed diagram inscribed in a circle. The meaning of the symbol itself, together with the personality styles organized around the nine points, convey a system of knowledge about nine distinct but interrelated ways of seeing and experiencing the world. Each style associated with the Enneagram represents a map of traits that highlights patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
By learning one’s own style and the patterns and habits associated with that style or pattern, one can use the Enneagram system as an effective tool for self-understanding and self-development.
This retreat is suited to any individual, or couple, on a journey of enquiry. A foundational level of the enneagram is useful, however, not essential to participate.
Anita Craig – Anita works both in the capacity as a corporate facilitator and executive coach, and has run a private holistic wellness practice for over 15 years. Wellness for her includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions.
Feedbck from Healing through the Enneagram with Anita Craig.
Thank you Anita for sharing your knowledge & wisdom with us. I feel truly blessed & humbled at your capacity & willingness to give us all the “pattern for the key” which will help us to unlock the door to greater knowledge. Thank you to all at Dharmagiri for opening your doors & hearts to me. I will return. Eve
Thank you Thanissara for inviting me. Thank you Anita and the team; Ian, Jane, Eve, Peter, Chandasara for making it such a rich transforming and healing experience. Thank you Martin, Meryl & Paul for the loving care & protection. I love Dharmagiri. Fortune