Groot Marico District
Join us for a self-coaching weekend retreat to explore possibilities for how we can bring more ease into our lives. To be human is to live each day through our language, emotions and body. We are often unaware of how effectively (or ineffectively) we are shaping our daily experience through our way of being.
The retreat gives us the opportunity to explore practical ways of becoming more resourceful in the areas of our language, emotions and body. A range of concepts will be explained to the group to enable participants to cultivate the capacity to “self-coach” themselves. This will involve exploring possibilities for bringing more ease to a matter that may be challenging or limiting. Participants will be guided through a holistic self-coaching approach for moving forward, utilising a combination of questions and journaling. Ample time will be provided for personal reflection. There will also be lots of opportunity to engage in group discussion, to enable deeper understanding of a range of self-coaching concepts. Participants will not be asked to share details of their personal self-coaching reflections, which can remain private and fully confidential. The facilitator will be available to support participants throughout their self-coaching process.
The facilitator:
Paddy Gray is passionate about helping people to thrive. She is a certified Ontological Coach (Ontology is the study of being human), Organisational Strategy and Culture Transformation Consultant. Her coaching focus is to support leaders be more resourceful in their “way of being”. This allows them to have greater impact and more effectively achieve the results they seek. Her consulting focus is to help leaders cultivate high performance organisational cultures that are human-centric, where leaders lead by example and inspire others to become more self-aware and resourceful.
TRC is a peaceful healing centre in the African bushveld. It is situated in a wooded valley of the Groot Marico District, bounded by perennial streams, and surrounded by rolling hills, on 280 hectares of land. The environment is pristine, the air and water are unpolluted and the night sky is fantastic.
We have established Four Wings of activity: healing therapies, environmental preservation, spiritual development and community activities. These serve to accomplish our overall vision of supporting people to develop wisdom and compassion.
We work to offer ‘help where help is needed‘.