Spirit Connection is growing! I have always had the philosophy that together we can make a difference and together nothing is impossible. No matter what it is that you take on. When I started Spirit Connection in 2015, I had a vision which was to bring together light workers and people who seek their services. It was around this time that I was introduced to Kevin. Kevin is a shared teaching guide and for the most part, my writing is inspired by him and of course Oshvaria, my main beautiful protector guide.
Slowly Spirit Connection has evolved into an online magazine filled with articles of interest to a wide audience, the aim of which is to encourage and aid each other along our spiritual journey. Over the last two months, many new authors have joined Spirit Connection to add even more flavour and broaden the scope of educational articles published daily.
Isn’t it wonderful to see something that you create, start from nothing and develop into something that you never imagined it could be? I’m sharing this with you, because I know this to be true. The guides are always telling us that we were never meant to walk this journey alone. Just looking at what we have been through this last year, is proof that firstly we are never alone, and secondly that together we can do great things!
Please don’t ever underestimate the power of your creative ability and by creative I don’t mean artistic. To be creative is to go beyond the usual, within your world, stepping outside of your box. To be creative can be defined in many ways, such as how you explore ideas or how you use different ways to solve the challenges that you face and how you experience your life. Creativity is the ability to develop and express ourselves and our ideas in ways that are new to us.
We so often doubt ourselves and we don’t have enough faith in ourselves to know that we can do it. My thoughts go back to the beginning of the 2000’s when my sister and I started the Seventh Ray Spiritual Centre. Oshvaria told me that if you build it, they will come. At that time, we set our faith in what the guides were directing us to do and the Centre grew in leaps and bounds. Now very similarly the same has happened with Spirit Connection. I could never have done it without the help of others. And so I encourage you all to reach out when you need assistance. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and please don’t ever see it as a weakness, when something that you want to achieve, can only happen with the assistance of another.
Our lives are so intricately intertwined. We have to know that when we face each other, we are both the teacher and the pupil. We walk our journeys together whether we know it or accept it. It is just not possible for us to go through our experiences without the interconnection that we have with each other. It is just not possible to share our experiences with others when we see ourselves as separate and isolated.
My wish for you today is that you acknowledge your loved ones and everyone that you interact with, all your relationships whether they be family, friends, work colleagues or the guy that fills your tank with petrol. See them for the blessing that they are in your life. Know that you are learning from them every day and every day you are teaching someone through your actions and what you say.
Yours in service