Taken from The Mystery Experience by Tim Freke I want to invite you to immerse yourself in the mystery of being, by experimenting with deep awake meditation. This will take you to the depths of th...
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taken from The Jesus Mysteries by Revd John Shelby Spong, Bishop of Newark The King James translation of the Gospel of John opens with the famous and poetic passage : “In the beginning was the W
Read MoreTaken from the book The Mystery Experience by Tim Freke I’ve spent my whole life wondering what life is. After five decades of passionate exploration, which has included some serious study and in-...
Read MoreSpiritual Values A104 Sunday Address 3rd May 1942 St Mary Abbots Place, London Sunday Service The text of this address is as issued in the magazine Angelus after it was given, apart from correction of...
Read MoreWhether we like it or not when we go into a relationship, we have expectations (or standards) as to how our partner should be and what our relationship should look like vs other relationships. We d...
Read MoreAngel in the Air I wish I could find the two flight attendants on that flight to Chicago from Las Vegas. I'm confident this was one of the strangest days in either of their lives. I would love to f
Read MoreRemaining positive in everything that you undertake, can be quite challenging. After all, we are only human (wink-wink) and it is easy to become despondent when things don’t work out. I am privilege...
Read MoreEverything changes. This is the answer given by Suzuki Roshi, popular 21st Century Zen monk and teacher when asked to explain Buddhism in a nutshell. However, could this be the single phrase that sums
Read MoreHi there again it’s John here from the UK with another important answer from my team to a question that has been asked a million times already - that is what is the best energy for humans to connect t...
Read MoreYour Soul energy is held as a vibration in the Akash, which is what most people would think of as Heaven. This is the playground of the Soul and where creation begins. I’d love to share this with you,...
Read MoreAyurveda defines perfect health as: "One who is established in self, who has balanced doshas Bodily humors), balanced agni (digestive fire), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of mal...
Read MoreThe difference between life and death in a sticky situation could come down to KNOWING what you know. I had been begging my dad for ages, and my wall was full of Bruce Lee posters. I want
Read MoreA dear friend of mine asked me to write a blog about the ethically wrong use of creation and coaching tools. It’s been three decades now that I’m empowering people to create the lives of their drea...
Read MoreThe world is screaming self-care, self this self that. What is a poor human to do? We were not schooled at this if you were born any time before 2000, and on top of that the world goes and changes ...
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