Once again, through the privilege of sharing in a loved-one’s life, I am reminded of how precious our lives are. I continue to ask the question : “why is it that we wait until the 11th hour before we show each other how much we really care?” Sometimes it’s just too late and we end up regretting the things that we didn’t do and the things that we didn’t say.
Don’t be that person. Don’t allow yourself to fall into a situation where you allow your ego to rule your heart. Inherently we are all loving and caring creatures. We have the capacity to feel emotion and somehow because of this, we see ourselves as weak if we show too much emotion. We see ourselves as being silly, over-reacting, becoming sentimental old fools. And essentially, how foolish is that? What we are actually doing is denying ourselves the opportunity to love and be loved. We are denying ourselves the opportunity to show each other that we care and to build relationships that extend way beyond the physical – a perfect meeting of mind, body and soul.
To afford our souls the opportunity to grow and move on to the higher planes of existence that we so long for, we are here in this earthly existence and through this earthly existence, we have to find a way to get in touch with our emotions and we do this through the relationships that we create. Some of these relationships are contracted relationships ie we have agreements in place with these particular souls, to come into this earthly life to share our lives with them and to share in their lives. And so we should see this as a privilege, not as work. Yes, it is something that we need to ‘work’ on but not in a way that we feel obligated. For me it’s about taking our relationships seriously and acknowleging how special they actually are. And then, it’s ensuring that every day we find a way to connect – a little whatsapp message, a telephone call, an email, a visit, a hug.
Embracing who we are as humans, allows us the opportunity to embrace our capacity to love and our capacity to see each other as fellow souls, walking very similar journeys with the same goal in mind. It allows us to accept that we are not perfect and neither are our fellow souls and because of this, we should be reaching out compassionately and with unconditional love and acceptance. Because when we do this, the same compassion and acceptance will automatically be mirrored back to us.
Learn to live your life in peace and harmony with yourself and the universe. Connecting to the vibration of the universal consciousness will bring you this sense of peace and harmony and in turn you will be resonating peace and harmony out into the world – oh joy!